The goal of this Recommendation is to give the E.700 Series of
Recommendations a base to define ISDN Grade of Service (GOS) and traffic
In \(sc\ 2, two reference connections are defined. Definition of other
reference connections is for further study.
.sp 2P
\fB2\fR \fBReference connections\fR
.sp 1P
.sp 1P
\fIReference connection for point\(hyto\(hypoint circuit switched\fR
.sp 9p
See Figure 1/E.701.
.sp 21P
.ad r
\fBFigure 1/E.701, p.\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.sp 1P
\fIReference connection for point\(hyto\(hypoint packet switched\fR
.sp 9p
See Figure 2/E.701.
.sp 18P
.ad r
\fBFigure 2/E.701, p.\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.sp 2P
\fBRecommendation\ E.710\fR
.sp 2P
.sp 1P
.ce 1000
.EF '% Fascicle\ II.3\ \(em\ Rec.\ E.710''
.OF '''Fascicle\ II.3\ \(em\ Rec.\ E.710 %'
.ce 0
.sp 1P
\fB1\fR \fBIntroduction\fR
.sp 1P
This Recommendation outlines the general consideration in modelling traffic
flows in ISDNs. More detailed descriptions for specific services and
significant points
\fBsignificant points\fR are points in the
network where traffic flows and grades of service should be evaluated.
in the network are given in Recommendations of the E.710\ Series as
E.711\ \(em\ User Demand
E.712\ \(em\ User Plane Traffic Models
E.713\ \(em\ Control Plane Traffic Models
E.714\ \(em\ Management Plane Traffic Models.
Additional Recommendations in this Series will be developed in
the future to reflect ISDN developments.
\fINote\fR \ \(em\ Recommendations E.712 and E.714 are for further study.
.sp 2P
\fB2\fR \fBContext\fR
.sp 1P
ISDN concepts, services and networks are described in the Series\ I Recommendations.
The E.710\ Series of Recommendations have been developed
consistent with the approach. However, the grouping of material in the
E.710\ Series concentrates on the important aspects from a traffic point
of view of ISDN operations in the immediate future.
An important modelling technique used to represent ISDN capabilities is
the layered architecture described in Recommendations\ I.310 and\ I.320.
The E.710\ Series have been developed using this approach. At present the
E.710\ Series concentrates on lower layer\ (1\(hy3) traffic flows. Higher layer
traffic flows are for further study.
The user plane/control plane perspectives described in
Recommendation\ I.320 have been used to provide two separate traffic models
in Recommendations\ E.712 and\ E.713. Nevertheless, it should be kept in
mind that
many traffic engineering procedures described in subsequent
E.700\ Recommendations require incorporating traffic loads from both planes
using the same resources. The influence of the management plane is for
further study.
The ISDN reference connections used in the E.710 Series are those
given in Recommendation\ E.701.
.sp 2P
\fB3\fR \fBUser demand\fR
.sp 1P
ISDN users have various needs for information transfer. The user
and his terminal equipment transform these needs into a series of call
demands for available ISDN services. These transformations involve many
including coding, and peer\(hyto\(hypeer and inter\(hylayer protocols.
The higher
layer functions are not analysed in the E.710\ Series.
Recommendation E.711 starts from the expression by the user of a call demand
to use the ISDN services defined in Recommendations\ I.230 and\ I.240.
Corresponding traffic variables including the number of attempts per call
demand are derived for the relevant attributes of each service.
.sp 2P
\fB4\fR \fBUser plane\fR
.sp 1P
In the user plane the attributes of some ISDN services give rise to additional
traffic parameters beyond those used in telephony. Based on the user models
of Recommendation\ E.711, Recommendation\ E.712 will be developed in
the future to derive traffic models for each basic ISDN service using a
common set of parameters that applies to all services.
.sp 2P
\fB5\fR \fBControl plane\fR
.sp 1P
Each attempt from a terminal will result in signalling messages in the
control plane. The number of messages and their length are highly
dependent on:
protocols (S.S. No. 7 and Q.931 digital access);
call disposition (including user facilities);
originating and terminating subscriber equipment
configurations (e.g.\ overlap sending).
Control plane traffic models given in Recommendation E.713.
.sp 2P
\fB6\fR \fBFurther developments\fR
.sp 1P
The preceding sections of this Recommendation and the
Recommendations of the E.710\ Series concentrate on those services and
facilities which will predominate in the first ISDNs to be implemented.
However, the ISDN concepts include the inherent possibility of
developing completely new services and functions in response to changing
user needs. This will result in new traffic situations that will need to
be covered in the E.710\ Series. Some of the situations which can be anticipated
the impact of supplementary services, such as call waiting, on control
plane traffic;
new ISDN capabilities such as statistical switching and
dynamic allocation;
connectionless communications;
the impact of user\(hyto\(hyuser signalling;
the impact of multipresentation type calls, and simultaneous use of different
interactive and distribution services, involving multi\(hyslot
and multipoint connections, and broadcast mode.
.sp 2P
\fBRecommendation\ E.711\fR
.sp 2P
.sp 1P
.ce 1000
.EF '% Fascicle\ II.3\ \(em\ Rec.\ E.711''
.OF '''Fascicle\ II.3\ \(em\ Rec.\ E.711 %'
.ce 0
.sp 1P
\fB1\fR \fBIntroduction\fR
.sp 1P
Traffic offered to layers 1\(hy3 of the ISDN can be modelled by distributions
of arrival times and holding times (traffic variables). This
Recommendation describes how these traffic variables are related to user
demands at higher levels.
.sp 1P
.sp 2P
\fB2\fR \fBGeneral structure\fR
.sp 1P
This section describes the general process by which the
distributions of arrival times and holding times (traffic variables) which
determine the offered traffic to layers\ 1\(hy3 may be derived from user
demands. The process is illustrated in Figure\ 1/E.711 and described in
detail in
Annex\ B.
.sp 9p
Through the mediation of Customer Premises Equipment (CPE),
user demands are translated into sequences of requests for applications,
teleservices, and bearer services.
An \fBapplication in an ISDN\fR is a sequence of teleservice and
bearer service requests, predefined in order to satisfy a global communications
A \fBcall pattern\fR is a specific sequence of events and
inter\(hyevent times generated by a call demand and modelled by traffic
variables as described in \(sc\ 3 of this Recommendation. Each teleservice
class can be
modelled by a mix of call patterns, each corresponding to a set of teleservice
A \fBconnection pattern\fR is a specific set of information
transfer and general attributes which are significant for traffic engineering.
Information transfer and general attributes are described in
Recommendation\ I.210. Each call pattern can be served by one or more connection
.sp 47P
.ad r
\fBFigure 1/E.711, p.3\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
A teleservice has attributes that can be selected by the user,
negotiated or selected by the service provider. The result of this selection
procedure is a sequence of requests for connection patterns.
Annex A outlines the relations between user demands, applications, teleservices,
bearer services and traffic significant attributes.
The mix of connection patterns determined by the process in turn determines
the distributions of arrival times and holding times.
.sp 2P
\fB3\fR \fBTraffic variables\fR
.sp 1P
Traffic variables are expressed as distributions of arrival
times and holding times. For traditional circuit switched services, the
shapes of some distributions are such that they can be represented by the
values. A discussion of traffic variables in the ISDN context is given
in the following sections.
.sp 9p
.sp 2P
\fICall variables\fR
.sp 1P
.sp 1P
\fIArrival process\fR
.sp 9p
For traditional circuit switched services, the call attempt rate
has, for practical purposes, been considered equivalent to the call demand
rate. In the ISDN, on the contrary, this equivalence can no longer be assumed.
Many teleservices will have attributes such that complex call attempt sequences
are generated for each call demand. This will require the introduction
additional considerations such as:
number of call attempts per call demand;
number of negotiations per call demand;
number of call demands requiring reservation.
The entire subject of call attempts sequences requires further
.sp 1P
\fIHolding times\fR
.sp 9p
For traditional circuit switched services, call holding time
\fIt\fR\d1\uis the only variable of interest. For reservation services,
additional variables are needed to characterize reservation time \fIt\fR\d2\u,
completion time \fIt\fR\d3\uand request time \fIt\fR\d4\u. See Figure\
2/E.711. (New holding times
require further study.)
.sp 14P
.ad r
\fBFigure 2/E.711, p.\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.sp 1P
\fITransaction variables\fR
.sp 9p
Additional information beyond \(sc 3.2 is needed for packet switching services.
For packet\(hyswitched services, the information content at the user
level during a call may be produced in discrete transactions (intervals during
which a user is continuously producing information). This subdivision is
significant from a traffic point of view. See Figure\ 3/E.711.
.sp 1P
\fIArrival process\fR
.sp 9p
The arrival process for transactions within a call is for further study.
.sp 1P
\fITransaction length\fR
.sp 9p
The transaction length as expressed in bits represents the workload offered
by the transaction through the user/network interface. The distribution
of transaction lengths is for further study.
\fINote\fR \ \(em\ For transport purposes, the workload as related to single
transactions within a specific call may undergo one or more segmentation
stages. The entire subject of workload segmentation is for further study.
.sp 15P
.ad r
\fBFigure 3/E.711, p.\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.sp 2P
\fB4\fR \fBExamples\fR
.sp 1P
Traditional telephone service with lost calls cleared is
usually characterized by mean arrival rate and mean holding times.
.sp 9p
Telephone service in the ISDN, with a fast signalling system
(Signalling System\ No.\ 7) and capabilities for automatic repetition,
needs the introduction of a supplementary variable, namely the repetition
rate, to
evaluate the number of call attempts per call demand.
Personal computer communication using reservation services,
associated with the supplementary services of automatic repetition and call
waiting, is a teleservice giving rise to a complex call attempt sequence as
illustrated in Figures\ 4/E.711 and\ 5/E.711.
In relating this service to user demand, many additional variables are
needed as discussed in \(sc\ 3. The control and user plane traffics
must take into account not only the mean values but also other parameters
characterizing the distributions.
.sp 19P
.ad r
\fBFigure 4/E.711, p.6\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.sp 24P
.ad r
\fBFigure 5/E.711, p.7\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.ce 1000
.ce 0
.ce 1000
(to Recommendation\ E.711)
.sp 9p
.ce 0
.ce 1000
\fBRelation between user demands and attributes\fR
.sp 1P
.ce 0
.sp 1P
This Annex provides concrete examples relating user demands
(applications, teleservices and bearer services) to attributes which are
important for traffic engineering purposes. Tables are provided for
illustrative purposes but it must be noted that these are based on a selective
summarization of key attributes related to the I.200\ Series of Recommendations.
Thus they should be only interpreted as illustrations of the process.
.sp 1P
\fIUser demand attributes\fR
.sp 9p
User demands are described by the following attributes:
user service selections;
access channels and rates (see Figure A\(hy1/E.711);
layer 7 to 1 protocols.
.sp 1P
\fIApplication characteristics\fR
.sp 9p
Applications are described by the following
teleservices supporting the application;
bearer services supporting the application;
bearer capabilities supporting teleservices and bearer
Table A\(hy1/E.711 gives the teleservices recommended in
Recommendation\ I.240 together with the attributes which are important from a
traffic engineering point of view. These comprise:
information transfer mode;
information transfer rate;
information transfer capability;
establishment of communication;
communication configuration.
As other teleservices are introduced into ISDN (e.g. electronic
shopping) in the future, the traffic engineering attributes may expand
(e.g.\ information handling processes).
Table A\(hy2/E.711 lists representative bearer services from which
those required to support an application may be chosen.
.sp 1P
.sp 9p
According to Recommendation I.210, a teleservice is the result of one of
the following combinations:
one basic teleservice;
one basic teleservice plus one or more supplementary
Furthermore, a teleservice is implemented using bearer
.sp 03P
.ad r
.ad b
.sp 47P
.ad r
\fBFigure A\(hy1/E.711, p.\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
\fBH.T. [T1.711]\fR
.ps 9
.vs 11
.nr VS 11
.nr PS 9
center box;
cw(354p) .
TABLE\ A\(hy1/E.711
\fBExamples of teleservices and their attributes\fR
cw(48p) | lw(96p) | lw(210p) .
Information transfer mode
cw(48p) | lw(96p) | lw(210p) .
Circuit mode | ua\d\u)\d
center box;
cw(36p) | cw(30p) sw(30p) | cw(30p) sw(30p) | cw(30p) sw(24p) sw(24p) | cw(24p) sw(24p) sw(24p) , ^ | c | c | c | c | c | c s | ^ | ^ , ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | c | c | c | c | c.
Information transfer rate
} {
Information transfer capability
} {
Establishment of communication
} Symmetry Communication configuration
Unrestriction digital Speech Demand Reserved Unidirectional Bidirectional
Symmetric Asymmetric Point\(hyto\(hy point Multipoint Broadcast
The actual application, teleservice and bearer service requests
presented to the network as a result of user selections are determined
by the user's CPE type. Each user class can be subdivided into CPE classes
characterized by the penetration of CPE types in that user class.
.sp 1P
\fIApplication characterization\fR
.sp 9p
For further study.
.sp 2P
\fITeleservice characterization\fR
.sp 1P
.sp 1P
\fITeleservice classes\fR
.sp 9p
The population of teleservices requested by user/CPE combinations may be
subdivided into classes defined by the values of attributes significant
for traffic engineering.
Teleservices, as defined in Recommendation I.240, are teleservice
classes from the traffic point of view.
Of the attributes defined in Recommendation I.210, the following are significant
for traffic engineering:
information transfer mode;
information transfer rate;
information transfer capability;
establishment of communication;
communication configuration.
Each combination of attribute values defines a single teleservice class.
.sp 1P
.sp 9p
Within each teleservice class, individual teleservices are defined by values
of general attributes which are still under study in Study
Group\ XVIII. Of particular significance for traffic engineering is the
attribute \*QSupplementary services\*U.
.sp 1P
\fIDemands for teleservice classes\fR
.sp 9p
Each user class/CPE class combination is characterized by rates of demand
for teleservice classes. This characterization may be represented as
shown in Table\ B\(hy1/E.711. The contents of Table\ B\(hy1/E.711 must
be estimated by statistical studies.
.sp 1P
\fITeleservice demands\fR
.sp 9p
Combining the concepts of \(sc\(sc\ B.4.1 and B.4.2, the total request
rate for each teleservice class can be subdivided as shown in
Table\ B\(hy2/E.711.
The entries of Table B\(hy2/E.711 must be estimated by
statistical means.
.sp 1P
\fICall patterns\fR
.sp 9p
For each individual teleservice there is one and only one
corresponding call pattern. However, the same call pattern may be
representative of several teleservices.
Multiplying the total rates in Table B\(hy1/E.711 by the proportions
shown in Table\ B\(hy2/E.711, rates for each call pattern are obtained
as shown in Table\ B\(hy3/E.711.
\fBH.T. [T3.711]\fR
TABLE\ B\(hy1/E.711
\fBDemands for teleservice classes\fR
.ps 9
.vs 11
.nr VS 11
.nr PS 9
center box;
cw(60p) | cw(48p) | cw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) , ^ | ^ | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c.
User class CPE class (Note\ 1) Teleservice class
1 2 3 \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR
cw(60p) | cw(48p) | cw(96p) , ^ | c | l
^ | l | l.
1 X Y
cw(60p) | cw(48p) | cw(96p) , ^ | l | l.
2 t Z
cw(60p) | cw(48p) | lw(96p) .
\fB.\fR \fB.\fR
cw(60p) | cw(48p) | lw(96p) .
\fB.\fR \fB.\fR
cw(60p) | cw(48p) | lw(96p) .
\fB.\fR \fB.\fR
lw(108p) | lw(96p) .
\fINote\ 1\fR
\ \(em\ A given user class will not necessarily use all CPE
\fINote\ 2\fR
\ \(em\ Table entries are the rates at which the user/CPE combinations
originate requests for each teleservice class.
.nr PS 9
.ad r
\fBTableau B\(hy1/E.711 [T3.711], p.11\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
\fBH.T. [T4.711]\fR
TABLE\ B\(hy2/E.711
\fBDemand for individual teleservices\fR
.ps 9
.vs 11
.nr VS 11
.nr PS 9
center box;
cw(60p) | cw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) , ^ | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c.
Teleservice class {
General attribute combinations
1 2 3 \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
lw(60p) | lw(96p) .
\ \(em\ Table entries are the proportions of total requests for each
teleservice class for each general attribute combination (defining
an individual teleservice). Each row adds to unity.
.nr PS 9
.ad r
\fBTableau B\(hy2/E.711 + Note [T4.711], p.12\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
\fBH.T. [T5.711]\fR
TABLE\ B\(hy3/E.711
\fBCall pattern demands\fR
.ps 9
.vs 11
.nr VS 11
.nr PS 9
center box;
cw(60p) | cw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) , ^ | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c.
Teleservice class Call pattern
1 2 3 \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR \fB.\fR
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
cw(60p) | lw(96p) .
lw(60p) | lw(96p) .
\ \(em\ Table elements are the rates at which each teleservice class
creates a demand for each call pattern.
.nr PS 9
.ad r
\fBTableau B\(hy3/E.711 + Note [T5.711], p.13\fR
.sp 1P
.ad b
.sp 1P
\fIConnection pattern\fR \fIcharacterization\fR
.sp 9p
Each call pattern can be served by one or more connection patterns. A specific
connection pattern corresponds to each set having as elements one
value for each applicable bearer service attribute.
The breakdown in Table B\(hy4/E.711 of the call patterns on the
connection patterns is needed.
\fBH.T. [T6.711]\fR
TABLE\ B\(hy4/E.711
\fBBreakdown of the call pattern on the connection
.ps 9
.vs 11
.nr VS 11
.nr PS 9
center box;
cw(60p) | cw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) sw(12p) , ^ | c s s s s s s s | ^ | ^ | ^ , ^ | c s s s | c s s | c s s
^ | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | l | l | l | l | l.